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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Using Drupal with MongoDb (NoSQL database)

I have recently been reading a lot about nosql and it seems to make a great case for a CMS. Does anyone else think we should fork Drupal to use with Mongo? I don’t think it is as simple as creating a module for existing Drupal. The obvious benefits I see are.

 Content Types: We can create any number of content type using collections. The number and types of fields are not going to create separate tables slowing queries down. For each content type, simply create a new collection. All the data related to a node remain in one document for quick access.
Tagging. Using list/arrays within a document/node is extremely easy to add/manage the associated tags/taxonomy.

Translation: All the nodes stay in different documents of the same collection and it’s easy to reference a corresponding translated version of a document using a simple reference key. The data can also be sharded on these translation kay for very large Website.

Consolidation of assets: All the JS and CSS can also sit in one document and be consolidated at load time for faster access.

Getting rid of infamous Drupal Cache: Will all the performance benefits, I think there should be no need for caching all the data in Drupal.

 Mapreduce: Theoretically, one can run map reduce every night, and keep the entire rendered page content in one document, if the data in a website is not changing very frequently, it will make it superfast to use mapreduce.

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BlueApple Technologies

Monday, 22 April 2013

Mobile Website Development: Increase Visibility of Your Business

To grab the attention of the target audience, be it a small, medium or large scale business, all are moving towards mobile website development. It is a significant way to grab attention on a wider range as compared to the previous traditional methods.

The reason for such popularity is the increasing popularity of hi-tech mobile phones having easy access to internet. Therefore, everyone is indulging in this new and pioneering method of getting online on their website.

This has given rise to various mobile website developers. They ensure the website is easily accessible on the handsets with ease and user can browse through it without any difficulty. If you also own a business and wish it to get more popularity on a wider platform then it is recommended to approach a reliable firm for Topnotch Mobile Website Development. This site will allow you to get better visibility and response as the whole world is now going mobile.

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BlueApple Technologies

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Social Media – Megaphone for Your Brand!

World has already shifted from desktop to laptop. Now, soon there will be a noteworthy population dwelling on smart phones and tablets! But one thing which remains same is - Social media!
It is powering the world in a way that has never been imagined, now it’s everyone’s heart of online life. We can witness new links being formed out of apparently thin air. Social media is an exciting space to be in and it’s very rewarding if it’s used in right manner.

 Branding and Social Media are the two terms that mutually go very well but at times they both are misunderstood. The term branding is not merely a small word and limited only for corporations but it can also relate to a single item or person. Social media is all about the ‘democratization of media’ as no single person owns or controls it. It is about truly engaging with users and speaking ‘with’ and not ‘to’ people. It serves up as a massive megaphone for your brand. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube provide a business a golden chance to shoot itself in the metaphoric foot and it’s easier to create a desired interpretation of you online.

The first prominent verity is the huge market share. Social media platforms enclose the largest amount of links and control the most attention from their user base. Getting connected through this sea of data base is an excellent way to not only meet new people but also keep engaged with your existing.

 Social networking through mobile phones is an ever increasing phenomenon these days. With mobile penetrations reaching very high levels, and an increasing number of individuals owning feature-smart phones that allow Internet access, social networking is rapidly penetrating the India Active Internet user base.
 Let’s do a quick review of important tools in Social Media Marketing. According to the IAMAI and IMRB report, Facebook is the most popular social platform as it is used by 97% of all individuals, following by Google+ and LinkedIn. Twitter allows people to follow important topics, people, and conversations that are relevant or interesting to them.Word Press and Blogger bid open platforms which you can sign up and pen down your ideas and thoughts for free. They host each of your write-ups and proffer a collection of free themes to opt from. This is an excellent way when you don’t wish to purchase your own domain just to list your writing. Although there is not much graphical branding possible through blogging but you can share your thoughts and ideas openly with the world.

 Branding and Social Media Marketing is anelongated road. Creating accounts throughout the huge array of social networks is just a single step. The actual change comes from dynamically taking part in these social networks as per social media strategy. Memorability is the name of the game. Dare to be unique and liven up your online distinctiveness. Don’t forget, social networks are just a medium to an end, not an end of itself.

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BlueApple Technologies

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Is Google Losing Too Much by Making Business Account All Paid?

I know this is not the most recent news that Google has removed the 10 free accounts from the “Business Account” area. And I am not against the charge-per-use cloud model either. But it just struck me that for all our other domains that we were running as non-profit, have quickly become very expensive at $50 per account per user for a year. For a company in a developing world with a strength of over 100 employees (which is not uncommon, given the cost of man power), it quickly becomes very expensive at $5000 per year. And if they do not use other services like Google drive, calendar, hangouts etc, it does not make economic sense at all. The alternatives of using services from other email providers become very lucrative at around $50 per year for unlimited email accounts. In any case, most small companies use Google accounts to access their emails only.

 Moreover, In the background of this service becoming all paid and the news that Google maps api is going to become paid soon, the image of Google being different from Microsoft, Apple and other corporate bigwigs have taken a beating. It appears that in the end, Google has just been trying to give you those freebies and get you hooked on them before everything becomes a paid service (What’s next: Maps, YouTube, Picasa, Plus,,,Search). Until now the Google brand for me had somehow been, for lack of a better word, different from others. But recent decisions have really got me thinking otherwise. Also, I think this has gotten Google bad press and the income generated through this is far less compared to brand damage it is causing.

 I think that it would be better if Google had gone the absolute cloud way, kept a few of the email accounts per business account free and kept adding a small amount for each additional service i.e., additional email account, G drive usage, hangout, calendar etc. This way, if a company is using the entire suite, they will not mind paying those extra dollars while the other can use bare minimum service for free/much less cost. Charging everyone a steep flat fee seems a little overdone.

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BlueApple Technologies

Monday, 1 April 2013

Mobile marketing? How? Why?

In the coming months, mobile marketing is set to grow by 67% and hence is the latest talk of the market generating strong opinions everywhere. Few claims it to be the right choice for investment, on the other hand few are just opposing it.

The Mobile Marketing Association has suggested that the funds invested in mobile marketing should sit at 7% of marketers’ total advertising budget. The figure is supposed to increase to 10% in the next four years (or more, that’s what BlueApple predicts! )Besides, the latest data from the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Australia showing that in spite of the gradual decline in general advertising, online, mobile and video ad expenses have generated double as much growth throughout each quarter of this year.With each passing day, mobile marketing is rising and becoming a strong medium for those who have taken the time to test and learn.

However, much confusion is there around what you can and can't do with a Mobile Marketing Campaign. There are several misconceptions around mobile marketing and how can we debunk a few of these myths are important. There are many things that you must do and must not do in mobile marketing. They are as follows:

  • Understand the ‘new’ mobile and the mindset of users. With the introduction of latest Smartphones and their new features, a new level of customer has also increased.
  •  Like other marketing policies, for mobile marketing too, you need to set an objective and work accordingly. Comprehend where mobile fits into the mix, identify the role it will play, and your plan will flow more effortlessly.
  •  Create a mobile-friendly website with the help of abundant of Mobile Website Development companies available. Make sure that it is being built by keeping the device in the mind. Navigation, information prioritization and mobile specific functionality must be perfect.
  •  Optimize paid search for mobile. It is an excellent way to get instant visibility on search engines and mobile is no different.
  •  Update your listing from time to time and make sure the basic information including name, address and phone number are correct on your site. A robust and authentic content is again an advantage.
  •  Use display to get your point out.With the espousal of the larger Smartphone screen and tablet screen, display can be an amazingly helpful tool. There are an assortment of providers and platforms in the mobile display space and a variety of models – cost per click, cost per call, cost per acquisition, and cost per impression.
  •  No doubt, each of the mobile users loves any kind of deal. Offer different kinds of deal to attract users. Check-in services – the best known are Four Square and Go Walla – busted on top of the scene the previous year and offered the lost propinquity awareness that only mobile can offer.
  •  To look more precisely at your mobile marketing strategy is very important. This single device is strong enough but is even more powerful when integrated into fully incorporated cross-media campaign strategy. Influence this fresh platform to enhance brand awareness, escort generation and sales.

  •  Don’t be intimidated ever. Realize that given the swiftness of improvement and new functionality, marketers will generally be playing catch up. Understand the fundamentals and stay attentive of the cutting edge, but never be frightened by it.
  •  Successful mobile marketing needs an understanding of what the users in general and your precise target audience are searching for while using their mobile. As per e-Marketer, 79% look for product reviews, 81% delve into rates and 64% check in-store features. Try to read the user’s mind and understand how they wish to connect with you and settle on how your company can best interact with them.
  •  Don't ever forget Google's Panda updates as they are extensive and important. Moreover, Panda is focused on quality content and usability of a website which is a sufficient fact to create a mobile site. If you do not have a mobile site then you are not that compatible to a mobile forager resulting in an automatic dingle. .
  •  Don’t fail to notice local search. Every one in three mobile searchers possess a local intent. Moreover, 82% of the local searchers track offline through an in-store visit, phone call or purchase. As the number of local searches is going on increasing, ads of all types must be created with strategic plans so as to incorporate local search into their campaigns.
  •  Do not over text as it may irritate the user. No doubt texting can be a great idea and these days SMS has the prospective to be the new spam especially when the customer is paying for a message, it can hastily sour them on your brand.

Hufff… so that’s all for now…

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